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Five Fruity Aguas Frescas

Toronto Holistic Nutritionist Laurie McPhail Five Fruity Aguas FrescasTo say that it’s been hot here in Toronto this July is, as usual, a gross understatement. And when the temperatures soar like this, hydration is key. Water gets boring so this month I’m highlighting a collection of Five Fruity Aguas Frescas to keep you cool and refreshed. Aguas frescas are essentially fruit blended with water, so they are perfect thirst-quenchers when you find yourself feeling parched.

They’re also a tasty way to enjoy locally-grown fruit in season. And I ask you, who hasn’t bought a huge watermelon and then not known what to do with half of it?  My Watermelon Mint Agua Fresca provides a delicious solution to this dilemma.

Sign up to my newsletter today to receive the recipes for these Five Fruity Aguas Frescas.

And read on for more on aguas frescas and how they:

  • make excellent electrolyte beverages when summer gets sweaty,
  • are perfect patio/party sippers.

I’ll sign off for summer with a link to my previous post, Tips for a Hot Bod, for my other suggestions for keeping cool. I wish you a ton of fun in the sun this summer and I’ll see you in September!

What are aguas frescas?

Agua is Spanish for water and fresca, in this context, translates as fresh or cool. I first came across them years ago on the menu at El Catrin, a local Mexican restaurant. I wanted something non-alcoholic, more interesting than water and not too sweet (as so many non-alcoholic alternatives are). Their agua fresca fit the bill and I’ve enjoyed variations on it ever since.

As I mentioned earlier, aguas frescas are essentially fresh fruit blended with water. And that is what makes them so refreshing. Unlike a juice, the water content is higher, meaning the overall sugar content is much lower. So you don’t spike your blood sugar as much as you would with a fruit juice and it tastes much lighter and more refreshing. You can also control the water content and dilute it further if you wish.

In most of these recipes, I have included a small amount of maple syrup as a sweetener. But I’d encourage you to omit the maple syrup altogether if the fruit you are using is sweet enough for your taste. I usually don’t add any myself.

Also, as these aren’t strained, you retain the fibre of the fruit. So you get some of the fibre’s benefits, including the healthful antioxidants found in the pulp and membranes.

Aguas frescas do, obviously, contain sugar and calories and I don’t generally recommend consuming caloric drinks as it is too easy to unwittingly overdo it. But they make a nice change from water, provide more electrolytes, and are a great alternative to alcohol as a patio or party sipper.

Hydration and electrolytes

Aguas frescas not only provide hydration, they provide electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential minerals that are critical to many key functions in the body and they can be lost at a greater rate through sweat in hot summer conditions. Sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium are some of the key electrolytes.

Most people will obtain sufficient electrolytes from eating a healthy diet. But, if you are particularly active and/or sweat a lot, it can be helpful to replenish these with an electrolyte beverage rather than plain water. Aguas frescas make a great alternative to commercial sports drinks (like Gatorade), which tend to be higher in sugar and contains less savoury ingredients like food colourings. But it is important to add a pinch of salt to your agua fresca if using it post a heavy workout, as you’ll need more sodium than is present in the recipe as written.

Perfect patio/party sippers

Toronto Holistic Nutritionist Laurie McPhail Five Fruity Aguas FrescasThere are many reasons I suggest avoiding alcohol (here’s the longer list) but I’ll single one out here. It is dehydrating and in summer you need more hydration, not less. It’s a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more than usual. As a result, you are losing not only water but also those all-important electrolytes.

But when you are on the patio or at a party, drinking plain water just isn’t as much fun. These Agua Frescas make perfect patio/party sippers as it feels more like you are indulging in a cocktail (but without the headache and hangover after). And it goes without saying that they are awesome with Mexican cuisine.  Carne, pollo o pescado asada anyone?  They are also lovely paired with summer main course salads like this Za’atar Chicken with Spinach & Peach Salad.

Have a look here for some of my other favourite non-alcoholic beverage choices. And enjoy your summer!

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